The Epistaxis (Nosebleed) Severity Score (ESS)* is an online tool used to evaluate the current severity of nosebleeds of a person with HHT (typically in the last three months). This tool can help healthcare providers evaluate how a patient is responding to treatment. This score ranges from 0-10 and is automatically calculated after answering six simple questions.

Treatment for epistaxis should be determined by a care provider with experience treating HHT patients and this calculation should serve to assist their clinical evaluation. A patient's ESS can help providers evaluate the most effective treatment for HHT-related nosebleeds. The results of your scoring can be printed and taken to your healthcare provider.

[*] Dr. Jeffrey Hoag conducted this research and developed the ESS through a Cure HHT grant. He presented an abstract outlining the results of his study at the 8th HHT International Scientific Conference and published the article supporting this work titled 'An epistaxis severity score for hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia' in the March 2010 edition of Laryngoscope.

Answer each question about your symptoms as they have occurred over the past three months.

How often do you TYPICALLY have nose bleeding?

How long does your TYPICAL nose bleeding last?

How would you describe your TYPICAL nose bleeding intensity?

Have you sought medical attention for your nose bleeding?

Are you anemic (low blood counts) currently?

Have you received a red blood cell transfusion SPECIFICALLY for nose bleeding?

Normalized Epistaxis Severity Score